South Dakota Farm and Ranch Recognition Program

South Dakota Farm and Ranch Recognition Program

The farm and ranch has long been the cornerstone of South Dakota history. None more perhaps than the farms and ranches we honor as South Dakota Century Farms and Ranches. If your family has retained ownership of a farm or ranch for 100 years or more in South Dakota, and if the farm or ranch consists of a minimum of 80 acres of the original farmland, you may be interested in having your farm or ranch designated as a Century Farm or Century Ranch.

The South Dakota Farm and Ranch Recognition Program  is a joint program of the South Dakota Farm Bureau and the South Dakota Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources. The ceremony at the State Fair will recognize those Century Farms/Ranches that have not been previously honored. More than 2,100 farms and ranches have been honored statewide.

For more details, call the South Dakota Farm Bureau office at (605) 353-8052 or the SD Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources at (605) 773-5425 or visit their website.

Thursday, Aug 28
10:00 am